What are the seven trumpets of Revelation?

The seven trumpets of Revelation are a series of judgments described in the book of Revelation (chapters 8–11). These trumpets are sounded by seven angels, and each trumpet brings forth a unique event or series of events that signify God’s judgment on Earth. Here is a summary of each trumpet along with the corresponding biblical references:

1. **First Trumpet – Hail, Fire, and Blood**
When the first angel sounds the trumpet, hail and fire mixed with blood are thrown to the earth. A third of the earth, a third of the trees, and all the green grass are burned up.
*Reference: Revelation 8:7*

2. **Second Trumpet – A Burning Mountain Cast into the Sea**
As the second angel blows the trumpet, something like a great, burning mountain is thrown into the sea. A third of the sea becomes blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea die, and a third of the ships are destroyed.
*Reference: Revelation 8:8–9*

3. **Third Trumpet – The Star “Wormwood”**
When the third trumpet is sounded, a great star called Wormwood falls from heaven, turning a third of the rivers and springs bitter. Many people die from the bitter, poisoned water.
*Reference: Revelation 8:10–11*

4. **Fourth Trumpet – Darkness Strikes**
The fourth trumpet brings about the darkening of a third of the sun, moon, and stars, resulting in a third of the day and night being without light.
*Reference: Revelation 8:12*

5. **Fifth Trumpet – The First Woe: Locusts from the Abyss**
When the fifth trumpet is sounded, a star falls from heaven to Earth, and the bottomless pit (Abyss) is opened. Smoke rises from the pit, and from the smoke come locusts with the power to torment those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They torment people for five months. This is the first woe.
*Reference: Revelation 9:1–12*

6. **Sixth Trumpet – The Second Woe: The Release of Four Angels and Armies**
The sixth trumpet brings the release of four bound angels at the great river Euphrates. These angels lead a vast army of horsemen—200 million strong—bringing death to a third of humanity through fire, smoke, and sulfur. This is the second woe.
*Reference: Revelation 9:13–21*

7. **Seventh Trumpet – The Third Woe: The Kingdom of God Announced**
When the seventh trumpet is sounded, loud voices in heaven proclaim the coming of God’s kingdom. The 24 elders worship God, and the temple in heaven is opened. This trumpet marks the final woe and unveils the culmination of God’s plan for judgment and redemption.
*Reference: Revelation 11:15–19*

These trumpets are a part of the broader prophetic vision given to the Apostle John, depicting both the wrath of God upon a rebellious world and the ultimate triumph of His kingdom.