Tag: God Basics

Does God exist?

The existence of God is a foundational truth in the Bible, presented as a self-evident reality and affirmed through creation, revelation, and personal relationship with Him. The Bible provides numerous evidences and descriptions of God’s existence, pointing to His power, nature, and role as Creator and Sustainer. Biblical Affirmation of God’s Existence Philosophical Arguments Supported

What are the attributes of God?

The attributes of God are the characteristics or qualities that define His nature and reveal who He is. These attributes help us understand God as He has revealed Himself in the Bible. They can be categorized into two types: communicable attributes (qualities that humans can reflect, like love and mercy) and incommunicable attributes (qualities unique

Who is God?

The Bible provides a rich, multifaceted understanding of God’s identity, character, and nature. According to Scripture, God is the all-powerful, eternal Creator of the universe, deeply personal yet transcendent, and defined by perfect love, holiness, justice, wisdom, and sovereignty. Below is an overview of the Bible’s descriptions of who God is: 1. God as the

What does God look like?

The Bible describes God as a spiritual being rather than a physical one, and it emphasizes that God is not visible in the way humans are. God’s nature transcends human understanding, and His essence is beyond what our eyes can see. However, the Bible provides several descriptions that give insight into His appearance, character, and