The end times tribulation refers to a period of intense suffering and upheaval described in the Bible that precedes the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is often associated with God’s judgment on the earth, the rise of the Antichrist, widespread persecution of believers, and significant natural and supernatural disasters. The length of the tribulation […]
Category: End Times
What is the rapture of the church?
The rapture of the church refers to a future event in Christian eschatology when believers in Jesus Christ are caught up to meet Him in the air. The term “rapture” is derived from the Latin word “rapturo”, which translates the Greek word “harpazō” meaning “to seize” or “to snatch away” in the New Testament. The […]
What is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ refers to the future event when Jesus will return to earth in glory and power to fulfill the rest of God’s redemptive plan. It will mark the end of the present age, the final judgment, and the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom. The Second Coming is a central theme […]
What is Israel’s role in the end times?
Israel plays a significant role in biblical prophecy concerning the end times, as it is central to God’s redemptive plan for humanity. The Bible indicates that Israel’s restoration, survival, and ultimate spiritual renewal are key elements in the unfolding of end-time events. Below is a biblical overview of Israel’s role in the end times, supported […]
What signs indicate that the end times are approaching?
The Bible provides various signs that indicate the approach of the end times, often referred to as the “last days.” These signs are spread throughout Scripture, particularly in the teachings of Jesus, the letters of the apostles, and prophetic books like Daniel and Revelation. While no one can know the exact time of Christ’s return […]
What is the abomination of desolation?
The “Abomination of Desolation” is a term that appears in the Bible, particularly in the books of Daniel and Matthew, and it refers to a profane act that leads to the desecration of a holy place, usually the temple in Jerusalem. This event is often linked with the end times and signals a period of […]
What is the significance of a red heifer in the Bible?
The red heifer holds a unique and significant place in the Bible, particularly within the Old Testament, where it is associated with ritual purity and cleansing. In the Book of Numbers, the red heifer is described as part of a purification ritual for those who have come into contact with death. This ritual had deep […]