Author: Jamie Rhodes

What does the Bible say about pride?

The Bible addresses pride extensively, often warning about its dangers and consequences. Here are several examples from Scripture: 1. **Pride Leads to Destruction** – *”Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.”* (Proverbs 16:18, NIV) Pride is seen as a precursor to downfall, highlighting the danger of overestimating oneself. 2. **God Opposes the […]

Who are the twenty-four (24) elders in Revelation?

The identity of the twenty-four (24) elders mentioned in the Book of Revelation is not explicitly clarified in the text, leading to various interpretations throughout biblical scholarship. These elders appear in Revelation 4:4 and play a significant role in the heavenly vision provided to the apostle John. Below is an explanation of the possible identities […]

Who / what were the Nephilim?

The Nephilim are mentioned in the Bible in a few passages, primarily in the Old Testament, and their identity has been the subject of much debate and speculation among scholars, theologians, and readers of the Bible. ### Key Biblical References and Context 1. **Genesis 6:1-4 (ESV)**: > “When man began to multiply on the face […]

What are the seven trumpets of Revelation?

The seven trumpets of Revelation are a series of judgments described in the book of Revelation (chapters 8–11). These trumpets are sounded by seven angels, and each trumpet brings forth a unique event or series of events that signify God’s judgment on Earth. Here is a summary of each trumpet along with the corresponding biblical […]

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Savior of humanity. According to Christian teachings, He is both fully divine and fully human. Jesus is regarded as the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, who came to reconcile humanity with God by offering Himself […]

What do angels look like?

The appearance of angels in the Bible varies, often depending on their role or the specific vision given to the person encountering them. Here are some descriptions of angels from various biblical passages, which reflect their diverse forms: 1. **Human-like Appearance**Angels frequently appear in the form of human beings, often indistinguishable from normal people:– **Genesis

What is the meaning of Jacob wrestling with God?

The story of Jacob wrestling with God is a deeply symbolic and significant episode in the Bible, found in **Genesis 32:22-32**. It portrays an intense, transformative encounter between Jacob and a divine being, often understood to be God or an angel representing God. The meaning of this event can be unpacked on multiple levels—spiritual, personal,