The formation of the biblical canon was a gradual process that unfolded over many centuries. The “canon” refers to the authoritative collection of books considered scripture by a particular community of faith. For Christians, this includes the Old Testament (shared in part with Judaism) and the New Testament. The process of determining which books were […]
Author: Jamie Rhodes
What is a prophet in the Bible?
A prophet in the Bible is an individual chosen and called by God to serve as a spokesperson, delivering His messages, instructions, warnings, promises, and revelations to individuals, nations, or the world at large. Prophets are often granted divine insight into present circumstances and future events, and they play a critical role in guiding the […]
What does the Bible say about bestiality?
The Bible explicitly condemns the act of bestiality in several passages, outlining it as a sinful and prohibited practice. These references appear in both the Old Testament and reflect the moral and legal codes given to the people of Israel. Here are the biblical references: 1. **Exodus 22:19 (ESV)** *”Whoever lies with an animal shall […]
Calvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct?
The debate between Calvinism and Arminianism revolves around key theological concepts such as God’s sovereignty, free will, grace, election, and salvation. Determining which view is “correct” depends on one’s interpretation of Scripture, as both systems draw from the Bible to support their respective claims. Below are the core tenets of each perspective with corresponding biblical […]
What is the Law of Moses?
The Law of Moses, also known as the Mosaic Law, refers to the set of laws and commandments given to the Israelites through Moses, primarily found in the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch or Torah. These laws cover various aspects of religious, moral, and civil life. Key elements of the […]
How tall was Goliath?
According to the Bible, Goliath was described as a giant. The most commonly cited height for Goliath is “six cubits and a span.” This measurement is found in 1 Samuel 17:4 (NIV), which states: “A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a […]
How tall was Goliath?
Goliath is described as being very tall in the Bible, specifically in the account of David and Goliath. The most commonly cited height for Goliath is six cubits and a span. In modern measurements, a cubit is typically considered to be about 18 inches (or 0.45 meters), and a span is about half a cubit […]
What is the name of God?
In the Bible, God is referred to by various names and titles that reflect different aspects of His character and relationship with humanity. Some of the most significant names include: 1. **Yahweh (Jehovah)** – The personal name of God in the Hebrew Bible, often translated as “LORD” in English versions. – **References**: Exodus 3:14-15 – […]
Summary of the Song of Solomon – Bible Survey
The Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs, is a poetic book in the Old Testament traditionally attributed to King Solomon. It is an allegorical celebration of love, beauty, and desire, often interpreted as a dialogue between lovers or as an expression of the relationship between God and His people. The structure […]
What is a Christian?
A Christian is generally defined as a follower of Jesus Christ, someone who adheres to the teachings and beliefs that arise from the life and message of Jesus as presented in the New Testament. **1. Follower of Christ:** The term “Christian” first appeared in Antioch as a designation for the disciples of Jesus. In Acts […]