In the Bible, a prophet is a person chosen and called by God to be His spokesperson, conveying His messages, guidance, and will to others. Prophets have a significant role in revealing God’s truth to His people, warning of coming judgment, providing hope through promises of redemption, and encouraging faithfulness to God’s covenant. Biblical prophets […]
Author: Jamie Rhodes
What does the Bible say about bestiality?
The Bible clearly addresses the topic of bestiality, condemning it as a sinful act. Here are some key references: 1. **Exodus 22:19** – “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.” This verse explicitly states that engaging in sexual acts with animals is punishable by death, indicating the seriousness of the offense in […]
Calvinism vs. Arminianism – which view is correct?
Calvinism and Arminianism represent two theological perspectives on the doctrines of salvation and divine sovereignty, and both have substantial biblical support. Understanding which view is “correct” often depends on individual interpretation of Scripture and theological tradition. Here’s a brief overview of each viewpoint along with key biblical references. **Calvinism:** Calvinism is commonly associated with the […]
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What is Zion?
Zion is a term with rich historical, spiritual, and theological significance in the Bible, often symbolizing God’s presence, a place of refuge, or the future hope of His people. Its meaning evolves throughout Scripture, representing different aspects of God’s relationship with humanity. 1. **Literal Location in the Old Testament**: Zion initially referred to a specific […]
Who were the Canaanites?
The Canaanites were an ancient Semitic-speaking people who inhabited the land of Canaan, a region roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, western Jordan, and parts of Syria, before and during the Israelite conquest as described in the Bible. Canaanite culture, religion, and identity played a significant role in the history of the region, and […]
What is prayer?
Prayer is a form of communication with God, where individuals express their thoughts, desires, gratitude, confessions, and worship. It is both a personal and communal practice, serving as an essential part of the believer’s relationship with God. The Bible provides numerous examples and teachings about prayer, emphasizing its importance in seeking God’s guidance, expressing dependence […]
What is the judgment seat of Christ?
The judgment seat of Christ, also known as the *Bema Seat*, is a term used in Christian theology to describe the event where believers will stand before Jesus Christ to be judged for their works during their earthly life. This judgment is not about salvation, as that is already secured through faith in Jesus (Ephesians […]
What is the definition of faith?
Faith is the confident trust and reliance on God, often described as believing in things that are unseen or not yet fully realized. It involves both intellectual assent and personal trust in God’s character, promises, and plan. Biblically, faith is foundational to a relationship with God and is evident in the lives and examples of […]
What is propitiation?
Propitiation refers to the act of appeasing or satisfying the wrath of God due to humanity’s sin through an atoning sacrifice. In Christian theology, propitiation is central to the understanding of salvation, as it signifies how Christ’s sacrifice satisfies God’s justice and demonstrates His love, restoring the relationship between God and humanity. The concept is […]