Author: Jamie Rhodes

What is the Ark of the Covenant?

The Ark of the Covenant is a sacred chest described in the Bible, central to the worship and spiritual life of ancient Israel. It was constructed under God’s instructions and served as a symbol of His presence among His people. It is closely associated with the covenant between God and the Israelites, particularly the Ten […]

What did Jesus look like?

The Bible does not provide a detailed physical description of Jesus, and much of what we imagine about His appearance comes from later traditions, art, and cultural interpretations. However, a few passages in Scripture and historical context can offer some insight into how Jesus might have looked. ### 1. Jesus’ Semitic Ancestry Jesus was born […]

What is the Sabbath day?

The Sabbath day is a holy day of rest and worship observed by Jews and Christians, rooted in the biblical creation account and the Ten Commandments. It is a recurring day dedicated to resting from work and focusing on God. Here are some key biblical references: 1. **Creation Account** The Sabbath is first instituted by […]

How did the apostle Peter die?

The Bible does not provide a detailed account of the apostle Peter’s death, but Christian tradition holds that he was martyred in Rome by crucifixion, likely during the persecution under Emperor Nero around 64–68 AD. There is, however, a biblical passage where Jesus seems to foretell the manner of Peter’s death. In **John 21:18-19**, Jesus […]

Who is the angel of the Lord?

The “angel of the Lord” is a mysterious figure in the Bible who appears multiple times in both the Old and New Testaments. This figure’s identity is debated among theologians and scholars, with interpretations ranging from a created angelic being, like other angels, to a theophany (a visible manifestation of God) or even a Christophany […]

What does “maranatha” mean?

The term “Maranatha” is an Aramaic expression that appears in the New Testament of the Bible and has been widely interpreted as either a declaration or a prayer. The word can be understood in two possible ways, depending on how it is divided: 1. **”Marana tha”** – translated as “Come, Lord,” which is a prayer […]