Author: Jamie Rhodes

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?

The Bible discusses the concept of tithing in several places, but it is necessary to differentiate between Old Testament laws and their relevance to New Testament Christian practices. Here’s an overview of biblical references about tithing and its interpretation: ### Old Testament Teaching on Tithing 1. **Abraham’s Tithe to Melchizedek** – *Genesis 14:19-20*: Abraham gave […]

What does the Bible say about angels?

The Bible has numerous teachings about angels, describing their nature, roles, and interactions with humanity. Here are some key points along with scriptural references: 1. **Created Beings**: Angels are created by God and are not eternal beings like God Himself. – *Colossians 1:16*: “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on […]

What is predestination?

Predestination is a theological doctrine found in Christianity that refers to God’s divine foreknowledge and sovereign decision to choose certain individuals or groups for salvation and eternal life. It suggests that God, in His omniscience and omnipotence, has predetermined the eternal destiny of every person. This concept is especially prominent in Reformed theology, rooted primarily […]

Who was Job in the Bible?

Job is a prominent figure in the Bible, known for his immense faith and resilience amidst severe trials. He is the central character in the book of Job, which explores themes of suffering, faith, and divine sovereignty. Job is described as a prosperous and righteous man who feared God and shunned evil (Job 1:1). He […]

Was Jesus a Palestinian?

The question of whether Jesus was a “Palestinian” is complex and requires careful consideration of historical, geographical, cultural, and biblical contexts. In the modern sense, the term “Palestinian” often refers to the Arab population living in the region historically known as Palestine, but historically, this designation has shifted over time. ### Geographical and Historical Context […]

Is hell real? Is hell eternal?

The concept of hell and its eternality is a topic of much theological debate, with differing views among Christians. Below is an exploration based on biblical references: ### Is Hell Real? Yes, the Bible speaks of hell as a real place or state of existence, designated for punishment and separation from God. Various terms and […]

Who was Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene is a prominent figure in the New Testament, known for her close association with Jesus Christ as one of his most devoted followers. She is mentioned in all four canonical Gospels and plays a significant role in the events surrounding the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Below are key aspects of Mary […]

What is the Olivet Discourse?

The Olivet Discourse is a significant teaching of Jesus Christ recorded in the Synoptic Gospels—Matthew 24–25, Mark 13, and Luke 21:5-36. It is named after the Mount of Olives, where Jesus delivered this discourse to His disciples. This teaching primarily addresses future events, including the destruction of the Temple, end-times tribulation, the Second Coming, and […]