What does hell look like? How hot is hell?

Descriptions of hell in the Bible are often symbolic and metaphorical, conveying the idea of punishment and separation from God rather than providing a literal, physical depiction. Here are some aspects of what hell is described as resembling and its associated temperatures:

1. **Fire and Darkness**: Hell is frequently associated with extreme heat and fire. In Matthew 13:50, Jesus describes hell as “the furnace of fire” where there will be “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” This imagery illustrates both torment and a lack of peace or comfort.

2. **Unquenchable Fire**: Mark 9:43-48 speaks of the “unquenchable fire,” implying that the suffering in hell is eternal and relentless. This description emphasizes the severity of the punishment awaiting those who reject God.

3. **Outer Darkness**: In Matthew 8:12 and Matthew 22:13, hell is contrasted with light, being referred to as “outer darkness” where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” This suggests a place devoid of hope, warmth, or the presence of God.

4. **Destruction and Torment**: Revelation 20:10 describes the devil being cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where he will be tormented day and night forever. This indicates a place of both physical suffering and spiritual torment.

5. **Separation from God**: Ultimately, many biblical descriptions focus on the spiritual aspect of hell as eternal separation from God. In 2 Thessalonians 1:9, it states that those who do not know God will experience eternal destruction, being shut out from the presence of the Lord.

In summary, hell is depicted in the Bible as a place of extreme heat, torment, and unending separation from God, filled with darkness and despair. The specific temperatures are not quantified, but the figurative language suggests an environment of intense suffering. The overall theme is one of punishment and the consequences of sin, underscoring the gravity of spiritual separation from God.