How old was Mary when Jesus was born?

The exact age of Mary when Jesus was born is not mentioned in the Bible, and various traditions and interpretations suggest different ages. However, it is commonly thought that Mary was a young teenager, likely between the ages of 12 and 16.

In Jewish culture of the time, girls could be betrothed and married at a young age. This is supported by historical context but not explicitly detailed in scripture.

Biblical references that provide context include:

1. **Luke 1:26-38** – This passage describes the Annunciation, where the angel Gabriel visits Mary. While it doesn’t specify her age, it highlights that she was a young woman who had not known man (a reference to her virginity), which aligns with the notion of a young girl.

2. **Matthew 1:18-25** – This passage discusses Mary’s betrothal to Joseph and the conception of Jesus, providing another glimpse into her life circumstances but without detailing her age.

3. **Luke 2:7** – Here, it mentions Mary giving birth to Jesus in Bethlehem but again does not provide her age.

While the Bible does not give a specific age for Mary, the consensus based on cultural practices of the time implies that she was likely a teenager.