Here is a comprehensive list of 250 Hardest Bible Trivia Questions with Answers, categorized for easy navigation.
Theology and Doctrine
- What does the term “Omnipotence” refer to when describing God?
- Answer: It refers to God being all-powerful.
- What is the theological term for Jesus’ sacrificial death satisfying God’s justice?
- Answer: Atonement.
- What does “Imago Dei” mean?
- Answer: Image of God.
- What is the unforgivable sin according to Jesus?
- Answer: Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
- What does “Sola Scriptura” mean in Reformation theology?
- Answer: Scripture alone.
- What is the term for the belief in God’s predestining certain people for salvation?
- Answer: Predestination.
- What is the term for Christ’s return before the millennium?
- Answer: Premillennialism.
- Which council condemned the heresy of Arianism?
- Answer: The Council of Nicaea.
- What does the term “Eschaton” refer to?
- Answer: The end times or final events in God’s plan.
- What are the five Solas of the Reformation?
- Answer: Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola Fide (faith alone), Sola Gratia (grace alone), Solus Christus (Christ alone), Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone).
Biblical History
- Who was the last king of Judah before the Babylonian exile?
- Answer: Zedekiah.
- Who is credited with rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile?
- Answer: Nehemiah.
- Which two tribes of Israel made up the southern kingdom?
- Answer: Judah and Benjamin.
- What year is traditionally assigned to the destruction of Solomon’s Temple?
- Answer: 586 B.C.
- Who was the king of Persia who allowed the Israelites to return to their land?
- Answer: Cyrus the Great.
- Who were the “Sons of Thunder” in the New Testament?
- Answer: James and John.
- What was the original purpose of the Tabernacle in the wilderness?
- Answer: It was a dwelling place for God among His people.
- Who were the parents of John the Baptist?
- Answer: Zechariah and Elizabeth.
- What tribe of Israel was Paul from?
- Answer: Benjamin.
- Which judge defeated the Midianites with 300 men?
- Answer: Gideon.
Prophecy and End Times
- Which prophet had a vision of a wheel within a wheel?
- Answer: Ezekiel.
- Who wrote the book of Lamentations?
- Answer: Jeremiah.
- What New Testament event fulfilled Joel’s prophecy of the Spirit being poured out on all flesh?
- Answer: Pentecost.
- Which Old Testament prophet described the Messiah as “a man of sorrows”?
- Answer: Isaiah.
- What does the Book of Revelation call the church in Laodicea?
- Answer: Lukewarm.
- Which prophet saw a vision of a ram and a goat?
- Answer: Daniel.
- What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse?
- Answer: Conquest, war, famine, and death.
- How many weeks are in Daniel’s prophecy of “seventy weeks”?
- Answer: 490 years (seventy sets of seven).
- Who are the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation?
- Answer: They are sealed servants of God from the twelve tribes of Israel.
- What is the “New Jerusalem”?
- Answer: The heavenly city where God will dwell with His people forever.
Bible Geography
- What was the significance of Mount Nebo in the Old Testament?
- Answer: It was where Moses viewed the Promised Land before his death.
- What was the first city conquered by the Israelites in the Promised Land?
- Answer: Jericho.
- Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to the Philippians?
- Answer: Prison in Rome.
- What river did the prophet Elisha make clean by throwing salt into it?
- Answer: The Jordan River.
- Where was the Ark of the Covenant kept before Solomon’s Temple?
- Answer: Shiloh.
- What sea is often referred to as the “Salt Sea” in the Bible?
- Answer: The Dead Sea.
- Which biblical city is known as the “City of David”?
- Answer: Jerusalem.
- What city was Jonah sent to preach repentance to?
- Answer: Nineveh.
- Where did Jesus walk on water?
- Answer: The Sea of Galilee.
- What is the modern name of the biblical land of Canaan?
- Answer: Israel and parts of Palestine.
Miscellaneous Trivia
- What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
- Answer: “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)
- Who was the first person to die for their faith in the New Testament?
- Answer: Stephen.
- What is the last word of the Bible?
- Answer: Amen.
- What were the names of Noah’s three sons?
- Answer: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
- Which king of Israel was struck with leprosy for usurping the role of a priest?
- Answer: Uzziah.
- What was the first recorded miracle of Jesus?
- Answer: Turning water into wine at Cana.
- What is the longest book of the Bible?
- Answer: Psalms.
- Which book is known as the “weeping prophet’s book”?
- Answer: Lamentations.
- Who built the first altar mentioned in the Bible?
- Answer: Noah.
- Who was the first priest mentioned in the Bible?
- Answer: Melchizedek.
Bible Characters and Genealogy Trivia
- Who was the oldest person recorded in the Bible, and how old was he?
- Answer: Methuselah; 969 years.
- Who was the first murderer mentioned in the Bible?
- Answer: Cain.
- What was the name of Ruth’s first husband?
- Answer: Mahlon.
- Who were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah?
- Answer: Esau and Jacob.
- Who was the mother of Samuel the prophet?
- Answer: Hannah.
- What was the name of King David’s rebellious son?
- Answer: Absalom.
- What was the name of the Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted Moses?
- Answer: Her name is not mentioned in the Bible.
- Who was the first high priest of Israel?
- Answer: Aaron.
- Which apostle was a tax collector before following Jesus?
- Answer: Matthew (also called Levi).
- Who was the first disciple to be martyred?
- Answer: James, the brother of John.
Biblical Numbers and Symbols
- How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
- Answer: Three times.
- How many people were saved on Noah’s ark?
- Answer: Eight.
- How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
- Answer: Ten.
- How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?
- Answer: Forty days.
- How many books are in the Bible?
- Answer: 66 books.
- How many people were fed with five loaves and two fish?
- Answer: 5,000 men, not including women and children.
- How many commandments were written on the tablets given to Moses?
- Answer: Ten.
- What is the symbolic meaning of the number 12 in the Bible?
- Answer: It represents God’s authority and perfection, often associated with the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve apostles.
- How many times did the Israelites march around Jericho before the walls fell?
- Answer: Thirteen times (once daily for six days and seven times on the seventh day).
- How many times did Naaman dip himself in the Jordan River to be healed?
- Answer: Seven times.
Jesus’ Ministry Trivia
- In which town did Jesus perform His first miracle?
- Answer: Cana of Galilee.
- What title did people often call Jesus that means “Teacher”?
- Answer: Rabbi.
- Which disciple doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw Him?
- Answer: Thomas.
- Who carried Jesus’ cross to Golgotha?
- Answer: Simon of Cyrene.
- How many parables of Jesus are recorded in the Gospels?
- Answer: About 30 parables.
- What did Jesus say were the two greatest commandments?
- Answer: Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.
- Which miracle is the only one recorded in all four Gospels?
- Answer: Feeding the 5,000.
- What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?
- Answer: Gethsemane.
- What did Jesus say on the cross just before He died?
- Answer: “It is finished.”
- What was the name of the man who donated his tomb for Jesus’ burial?
- Answer: Joseph of Arimathea.
Old Testament Law and Customs
- What was the penalty for breaking the Sabbath in the Old Testament?
- Answer: Death.
- What kind of wood was used to build the Ark of the Covenant?
- Answer: Acacia wood.
- How many cities of refuge were designated in Israel?
- Answer: Six.
- What offering did Cain bring to God?
- Answer: Fruits of the soil.
- What offering did Abel bring to God?
- Answer: Fat portions from the firstborn of his flock.
- What was the punishment for adultery under Mosaic Law?
- Answer: Death by stoning.
- What is the significance of the scapegoat in Leviticus?
- Answer: The sins of Israel were symbolically placed on the goat, which was sent into the wilderness.
- What were the Israelites instructed to do during Passover?
- Answer: Sacrifice a lamb, spread its blood on their doorposts, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
- What was forbidden to be eaten according to Mosaic dietary laws?
- Answer: Pork, shellfish, and other unclean animals.
- What was the purpose of the Jubilee year in Israel?
- Answer: To reset debts, free slaves, and return property to original owners.
Psalms and Wisdom Literature
- What Psalm begins with “The Lord is my shepherd”?
- Answer: Psalm 23.
- What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
- Answer: Psalm 119.
- Who is credited with writing the majority of the Proverbs?
- Answer: Solomon.
- What is the main theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes?
- Answer: The vanity of worldly pursuits and the necessity of fearing God.
- Which book of the Bible personifies wisdom as a woman?
- Answer: Proverbs.
- What is the shortest Psalm in the Bible?
- Answer: Psalm 117.
- In what Psalm does David repent after his sin with Bathsheba?
- Answer: Psalm 51.
- What does the term “Selah” in the Psalms likely mean?
- Answer: A pause for reflection.
- Who wrote the Book of Lamentations?
- Answer: Jeremiah.
- What is the last verse of Ecclesiastes?
– Answer: “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.”
Prophecy and Eschatology Trivia
- Which prophet is known as the “Weeping Prophet”?
- Answer: Jeremiah.
- What is the primary theme of the Book of Revelation?
- Answer: The ultimate victory of Christ and His Kingdom.
- What vision did Ezekiel see in chapter 1 of his book?
- Answer: Four living creatures and wheels within wheels.
- Which prophet foretold the virgin birth of Jesus?
- Answer: Isaiah.
- What is the “New Jerusalem” in Revelation?
- Answer: The heavenly city where God dwells with His people eternally.
- Who are the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation?
- Answer: A symbolic group of redeemed individuals from the twelve tribes of Israel.
- What prophet foretold the rebuilding of the temple after the exile?
- Answer: Haggai and Zechariah.
- Which Old Testament prophet describes the Day of the Lord as “a day of darkness and gloom”?
- Answer: Joel.
- How many years did the prophet Daniel say would pass before the coming of the Anointed One?
- Answer: 483 years (70 weeks of years minus 7).
- What is the significance of the “White Throne Judgment” in Revelation?
- Answer: It represents the final judgment of all the dead.
Challenging Doctrinal Questions
- What is the meaning of the term “atonement”?
- Answer: The reconciliation between God and humanity through Christ’s sacrifice.
- What does “Sanctification” refer to in Christian theology?
- Answer: The process of being made holy.
- What is the doctrine of “original sin”?
- Answer: The belief that all humans inherit sin from Adam and Eve’s disobedience.
- What is meant by “justification by faith”?
- Answer: Being declared righteous before God solely through faith in Christ.
- What does the term “omnipotent” mean in reference to God?
- Answer: All-powerful.
- What is the meaning of “omniscient”?
- Answer: All-knowing.
- What is the doctrine of “predestination”?
- Answer: The belief that God has foreordained all events and chosen those who will be saved.
- What does the term “incarnation” mean in reference to Jesus?
- Answer: God becoming flesh.
- What is the significance of the “New Covenant”?
- Answer: It is the covenant of grace brought through Jesus’ sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Covenant.
- What is “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit,” often called the unforgivable sin?
- Answer: Attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan.
Hard-to-Know Bible Facts
- What was the name of Paul’s teacher in Jewish law?
- Answer: Gamaliel.
- What is the Hebrew name for the first five books of the Bible?
- Answer: Torah.
- What is the Greek name for the first five books of the Bible?
- Answer: Pentateuch.
- What is the name of the Egyptian slave girl who bore Abraham a son?
- Answer: Hagar.
- Who was the first king of Israel?
- Answer: Saul.
- What was the first miracle Elisha performed?
- Answer: Parting the Jordan River.
- Who was the last judge of Israel?
- Answer: Samuel.
- What king built the first temple in Jerusalem?
- Answer: Solomon.
- What king built the second temple in Jerusalem?
- Answer: It was completed under Zerubbabel’s leadership.
- What was the name of John the Baptist’s mother?
- Answer: Elizabeth.
Obscure Places and Geography
- What was the name of the plain where the Tower of Babel was built?
- Answer: The Plain of Shinar.
- Which city is called the “City of Blood” in Nahum?
- Answer: Nineveh.
- What was the significance of Mount Sinai in the Bible?
- Answer: It is where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
- What is the name of the valley where David defeated Goliath?
- Answer: Valley of Elah.
- What city was renamed Bethel by Jacob?
- Answer: Luz.
- Where did Paul meet Lydia, the seller of purple?
- Answer: Philippi.
- What island was Paul shipwrecked on?
- Answer: Malta.
- What is the “land flowing with milk and honey”?
- Answer: The Promised Land (Canaan).
- Where was Jonah trying to flee when he ran from God’s command?
- Answer: Tarshish.
- What was the name of the river where John the Baptist baptized people?
- Answer: Jordan River.
Biblical Leadership and Kings Trivia
- What king was referred to as “a man after God’s own heart”?
- Answer: David.
- Who was the youngest king to rule in Judah, beginning his reign at just eight years old?
- Answer: Josiah.
- What was the name of the queen who visited Solomon to test his wisdom?
- Answer: The Queen of Sheba.
- Who was the last king of Judah before the Babylonian exile?
- Answer: Zedekiah.
- Which Persian king allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple?
- Answer: Cyrus the Great.
- What king ordered the massacre of male infants in Bethlehem during Jesus’ birth?
- Answer: Herod the Great.
- Who was the first king of the divided northern kingdom of Israel?
- Answer: Jeroboam.
- Which king had a feast using the sacred vessels from the Jerusalem temple and saw a hand writing on the wall?
- Answer: Belshazzar.
- Which king sought the advice of a witch at Endor?
- Answer: Saul.
- What king of Israel married Jezebel?
- Answer: Ahab.
Obscure Biblical Characters Trivia
- Who was the first murderer in the Bible?
- Answer: Cain.
- Who was the father of Methuselah, the oldest person recorded in the Bible?
- Answer: Enoch.
- Who was the high priest who mentored the prophet Samuel as a child?
- Answer: Eli.
- Who was the mother of Ishmael?
- Answer: Hagar.
- Who was the man who helped carry Jesus’ cross?
- Answer: Simon of Cyrene.
- Who was the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume?
- Answer: Mary of Bethany.
- What was the name of Abraham’s nephew who lived in Sodom?
- Answer: Lot.
- Who was the first Christian to be executed for their faith?
- Answer: Stephen.
- Who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
- Answer: Zacchaeus.
- What was the name of Moses’ sister?
- Answer: Miriam.
Biblical Events and Festivals Trivia
- What is the Jewish festival that commemorates the exodus from Egypt?
- Answer: Passover.
- What New Testament event occurred fifty days after Passover?
- Answer: Pentecost.
- What is the Day of Atonement in Hebrew?
- Answer: Yom Kippur.
- What is the Jewish festival of lights mentioned in the Bible?
- Answer: Hanukkah (referred to as the Feast of Dedication).
- Which Old Testament festival required the Israelites to live in booths or temporary shelters?
- Answer: Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
- What event does Good Friday commemorate?
- Answer: The crucifixion of Jesus.
- What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?
- Answer: Turning water into wine.
- What feast was being celebrated when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles?
- Answer: Pentecost.
- What event is celebrated on Palm Sunday?
- Answer: Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
- What miraculous event occurred when Jesus died on the cross?
- Answer: The veil of the temple was torn in two, and there was an earthquake.
Difficult Teachings of Jesus
- What did Jesus say was the greatest commandment?
- Answer: To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
- What did Jesus say was the second greatest commandment?
- Answer: To love your neighbor as yourself.
- In the Sermon on the Mount, what did Jesus say about loving enemies?
- Answer: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
- What did Jesus say about the rich entering the Kingdom of God?
- Answer: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.
- What did Jesus mean when He said, “I am the bread of life”?
- Answer: He is the source of spiritual sustenance and eternal life.
- What did Jesus say about judging others?
- Answer: Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
- What does it mean to “take up your cross and follow” Jesus?
- Answer: To be willing to suffer or sacrifice for the sake of Christ.
- What parable illustrates forgiveness with the example of a servant owing an unpayable debt?
- Answer: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.
- What teaching did Jesus give about prayer in the Lord’s Prayer?
- Answer: Pray for God’s will to be done, for forgiveness, and for daily provision.
- What does Jesus mean by “the first will be last, and the last will be first”?
- Answer: God’s Kingdom operates on principles of humility and service.
Parables and Metaphors in the Bible
- What does the Parable of the Sower represent?
- Answer: Different responses to hearing the Word of God.
- What did the Parable of the Mustard Seed teach about the Kingdom of God?
- Answer: The Kingdom starts small but grows into something great.
- In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, what does the oil symbolize?
- Answer: Readiness and spiritual preparedness.
- What was the meaning of the Parable of the Lost Sheep?
- Answer: God’s joy in bringing one sinner back to Him.
- In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who is the neighbor?
- Answer: Anyone in need, regardless of background or status.
- What did Jesus compare His disciples to in the Sermon on the Mount?
- Answer: The salt of the earth and the light of the world.
- In the Parable of the Talents, what was the lesson for the servants?
- Answer: Be faithful and productive with what God has entrusted to you.
- What did Jesus say about a house built on sand versus a house built on rock?
- Answer: The house on rock stands firm, symbolizing faith in Jesus’ teachings.
- What does the vine and the branches metaphor in John 15 teach?
- Answer: Believers must remain connected to Jesus to bear fruit.
- What lesson is taught in the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
- Answer: God’s forgiveness and love for those who return to Him.
Miracles of the Bible
- Who healed Naaman of leprosy, and how?
- Answer: Elisha, by telling him to wash in the Jordan River seven times.
- What miracle occurred when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea?
- Answer: The waters parted, allowing them to walk on dry ground.
- What miracle did Jesus perform for the blind man at Bethsaida?
- Answer: He healed his blindness using saliva and laying hands on him.
- How many people were fed in the miracle of the five loaves and two fish?
- Answer: 5,000 men, not counting women and children.
- What was Jesus’ first recorded miracle?
- Answer: Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.
- Who was raised from the dead after being in the tomb for four days?
- Answer: Lazarus.
- What happened to Peter when he tried to walk on water?
- Answer: He began to sink when he doubted.
- What miracle did Elijah perform for the widow at Zarephath?
- Answer: He ensured her supply of flour and oil never ran out.
- What did Jesus calm with a command during a storm on the Sea of Galilee?
- Answer: The wind and the waves.
- What miracle occurred when Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi?
- Answer: An earthquake opened the prison doors, and their chains fell off.
Challenging Bible Prophecies
- What did Isaiah predict about the Messiah’s birth?
- Answer: He would be born of a virgin.
- What did Daniel’s vision of a statue with different materials represent?
- Answer: Different kingdoms that would rise and fall.
- What did Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones symbolize?
- Answer: The restoration of Israel.
- What prophecy did Micah give about the Messiah?
- Answer: He would be born in Bethlehem.
- What was the sign Isaiah gave to King Ahaz?
- Answer: A virgin would conceive and give birth to a son named Immanuel.
- What did Jeremiah prophesy about the New Covenant?
- Answer: God would write His law on the hearts of His people.
- What prophecy did Jesus give about the temple in Jerusalem?
- Answer: It would be destroyed, with not one stone left on another.
- What prophecy in Revelation describes the final judgment?
- Answer: The dead will be judged according to their deeds from the Book of Life.
- What does the “Lion of Judah” prophecy refer to?
- Answer: Jesus as the conquering King from the tribe of Judah.
- What does the prophecy of the “Suffering Servant” in Isaiah 53 describe?
- Answer: The Messiah’s suffering and sacrifice for humanity’s sins.
Biblical Laws and Covenants Trivia
- What was the sign of the covenant between God and Noah?
- Answer: The rainbow.
- What was the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham?
- Answer: Circumcision.
- What were the Ten Commandments written on?
- Answer: Two stone tablets.
- What did God promise in the covenant with David?
- Answer: That his descendants would reign forever.
- What covenant did God make with Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
- Answer: The giving of the Law (Mosaic Covenant).
- What was the punishment for breaking the Sabbath in the Old Testament?
- Answer: Death.
- What were the Israelites forbidden to eat under the Mosaic Law?
- Answer: Pork and other unclean animals.
- What did the Year of Jubilee include?
- Answer: The release of slaves and the return of property.
- How many years were the Israelites to let their fields rest during the Sabbath year?
- Answer: Every seventh year.
- What was the greatest commandment according to the Law?
- Answer: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength.
Miscellaneous Challenging Questions
- How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
- Answer: Ten.
- What is the longest Psalm in the Bible?
- Answer: Psalm 119.
- What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
- Answer: “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35).
- What is the last book of the Old Testament?
- Answer: Malachi.
- Who is the only woman mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1?
- Answer: Several women are mentioned, including Rahab and Ruth.
- What is the first commandment in the Ten Commandments?
- Answer: “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
- What animal spoke to a man in the Bible?
- Answer: A donkey (Balaam’s donkey).
- Who was Paul’s mentor in Jewish law?
- Answer: Gamaliel.
- What is the last word in the Bible?
- Answer: Amen.
- What was the occupation of Matthew before following Jesus?
- Answer: Tax collector.
- Who interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the great statue?
- Answer: Daniel.
- What happened to Lot’s wife when she looked back at Sodom?
- Answer: She turned into a pillar of salt.
- What instrument did David play to soothe King Saul?
- Answer: A harp (or lyre).
- What did the high priest wear on his chest to represent the tribes of Israel?
- Answer: The Breastplate of Judgment with 12 stones.
- Who killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey?
- Answer: Samson.
- What is the meaning of the name “Emmanuel”?
- Answer: God with us.
- Who were the two spies that encouraged the Israelites to enter the Promised Land?
- Answer: Joshua and Caleb.
- What king of Israel consulted a medium to summon Samuel’s spirit?
- Answer: King Saul.
- What prophet was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire?
- Answer: Elijah.
- Who was the Roman centurion that Peter baptized after a vision?
- Answer: Cornelius.
- What was Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”?
- Answer: Its exact nature is unknown, but it was a persistent affliction or challenge.
- What was the first plague God sent on Egypt?
- Answer: Turning the Nile River into blood.
- What bird did Noah first release from the ark?
- Answer: A raven.
- Who is the father of all those who play the harp and flute, according to Genesis?
- Answer: Jubal.
- What language was most of the Old Testament written in?
- Answer: Hebrew.
- What prophet was swallowed by a great fish?
- Answer: Jonah.
- Who was the queen who replaced Vashti in the Persian court?
- Answer: Esther.
- What did the Apostle John say God is, in 1 John 4:8?
- Answer: God is love.
- What event does the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 commemorate?
- Answer: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples.
- What is the final promise in Revelation 22:20?
- Answer: Jesus says, “Surely I am coming quickly.”
That wraps up 250 Hardest Bible Trivia Questions with Answers, covering a wide range of topics from Genesis to Revelation.